Monday, June 28, 2010

Weed whackers, pews, burgers, kids, febreeze - oh my!

Another week completed, and God has been doing some amazing stuff lately!!

Got back from Riverside, which is a small town close to the border (we could've taken a drive up to Canada), and Stephanie and I went with the youth groups from KBC and RBC - an awesome bunch, to say the least. Goodness, lots to say, but not enough energy to share it all. But basically I'm a weed whacker pro now, and that's the most yard work I've ever done in my life!! Chopping down weeds/grass taller than my waist was one of the big adventures last week. My pants are ruined, as grass stains were all over me, and grass bits would fly up in my mouth, in my nose, stick to my skin... you get the idea. It was crazy but a great experience. We also worked with youth/kids in the neighborhood, as well as on the reservation. Our schedule was kind of packed, and sleep was limited (which, by the way, entailed sleeping on a church pew! kind of uncomfortable at first, but i eventually got used to it. I only fell off once, which wasn't so bad), so by midweek, I'd say we were all a little cranky. But God still moved amongst the group, and it was so INCREDIBLE! On the last night, people got up and were sharing their testimonies, just pouring out their hearts; the night was full of weeping and hugging and praying, and it was so awesome. God broke down strongholds and knitted the group together. I really got to know a lot of the youth there, and I can't wait to work with them again!!! I don't know: I kind of felt God calling me to work with youth, but it's still something I'm praying about. But I'd definitely like to, since that age is something I've considered when thinking of what age group I'd like to teach (overseas, for English)... sorry if this doesn't make sense. I'm somewhat half asleep, but I wanted to post this while I had some time. And we ate so much!! I don't know if I've ever eaten that much food!! But it was mostly because we were working so hard :) But I've definitely missed salad; I've only had it three times this whole trip, and we had burgers at least 5 times on the mission trip alone. Oh, and febreeze became my best friend during this trip ;)

Today we started at Benton City, another small town but not as small as Riverside. We were sort of just winging it (the whole church) for VBS, but man, God just intervened and provided in so many ways; it was just so exciting to see!!! And now I have VBS songs stuck in my head :) Tonight we'll be at Kennewick Baptist for a different VBS, but we're so blessed to not really have to prepare much. It will be a long week with VBS in the AM and PM. But at least we have weekends to recover.

Thanks for all your prayers and support! It means so much to me, so thank you!!!


  1. Hey Jo!

    I think I finally figured out how to post a comment. Jared typed out his comments several times but we couldn't get it to post. Hope this works!

    love, mom

  2. hey jo,
    this is jared again. so, i hear you're a pro at wacking weeds. that's good to know you're working hard out there. i'm glad to hear you're working with youth although i think you work better with kids. and it's good to know that God has been moving in the hearts of the people in WA as well as yours. ^_^ ok, and vbs is a fun experience but stressful but try to enjoy it a little bit. ^_^ see ya jo and i love you bunches!
